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Guidelines for viewing properties during COVID


We have put together some simple guidelines for our landlords and potential tenants to inform and reassure them about the correct COVID viewings protocol and procedures. 

Instructions for viewers:

  • If any member of the viewers household is showing or has recently shown any symptoms of Coronavirus, is self-isolating, or is shielding then the viewing will not take place. We will gladly provide a virtual viewing in its place.

  • Physical viewings are limited to two members of the same household.

  • Once inside the property we request that you should not touch any surfaces, furniture, appliances, fixtures, fittings, light switches or door handles. If you do touch anything inadvertently please let the viewing agent know so that these areas can then be sanitised.

  • You will be provided with hand sanitizer on arrival, please use it.

  • You must wear a mask at all times, you must provide your own mask.

  • Please make sure you maintain safe social distancing (6 feet or 2 metres) at all times.

  • The agent will allow you space and time to view the property, we ask that all questions about the property are dealt with outside of the property afterwards or over the phone after the viewing.

  • We ask that the viewing take no longer than 10 minutes.


 Requirements for property owners (vendors and landlords)

  • If any member of the household is showing symptoms of Coronavirus or is self-isolating then the viewing should not take place.

  • Please make sure the house has been well ventilated before the viewing takes place.

  • Before viewers are shown around your home, you should open all internal doors.

  • We ask that property occupants (landlords and tenants) vacate the property for the duration of the viewing. This minimises your contact with those not in your household. If you have to be present in the property during the viewing, we recommend that you wear your own personal protective equipment and maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from all viewers.

If you have any queries about our lettings and property management procedures and service, don’t hesitate to get in touch