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Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Anti-Money Laundering Policy for Jo & Co Property Management, independent property management agency based in Wimbledon, covering South London

Anti-Money Laundering Policy

It is the policy of Jo & Co Property Management Limited trading as “Jo & Co Property Management” that it actively participate in preventing the services of Jo & Co Property Management Limited from being exploited by criminals for money laundering purposes.

This participation has its objectives:

  • Ensuring Jo & Co Property Management Limited’s compliance with all applicable laws, statutory instruments of regulation HMRC

  • Protecting Jo & Co Property Management Limited and all its staff as individuals from the risks associated with breaches of the law, regulations and requirements

  • Preserving the good name of Jo & Co Property Management Limited against the risk of reputational damage presented by implication in money laundering and terrorist financing activities

  • Making a positive contribution to the fight against crime and terrorism

To achieve these objectives, it is the policy of Jo & Co Property Management Limited that:

  • Neither commercial considerations nor a sense of loyalty to clients shall be permitted to take precedence over Jo & Co Property Management Limited’s anti-money laundering commitment

  • Documentary evidence is required for both Vendors and Purchasers. Production of original documents is the preferred option, however we can accept certified copies

Below is a list of acceptable documents (for individuals), and where and how, these can be certified:

  • Passport

  • Photo-Card Driving Licence - can be used as photo-id or proof of address – not both

  • National ID Card

  • Council Tax Demand

  • Utility Bill – no more than 3 months’ old (mobile phone bills are not acceptable)

  • Current Bank Statement or Credit Card Statement can be accepted; only if issued by a regulated financial sector firm in the UK or the EU (if online document it must be a pdf)

Below is a list of people who can certify your documents:

  • bank or building society official

  • councillor

  • minister of religion

  • dentist/doctor

  • chartered accountant

  • solicitor or notary

  • teacher or lecturer

  • Post Office

The person you ask must not be:

  • related to you

  • living at the same address

  • in a relationship with you

The certification should be as follows:

  • The third party must have seen the original and must write above their signature that the copy is a true replica of the original and (if applicable) that the photograph bears a true likeness. They must print their name, state their capacity, contact details and the date of signature. A company stamp is desirable, but not essential, unless from a solicitor’s or accountancy practice. The solicitor should also print their name and SRA number.

  • Deposits and / or Financial Gifts

  • We have a legal obligation to trace and verify the origin of all deposits and / or financial “gifts”, as well as verifying the identity of all those providing the gift.