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Should you install a burglar alarm system in your London rental property?

As a landlord, you need to provide your tenants with a home which is secure and safe. Locks on doors and windows should not be substandard and should be insurance-approved, but a landlord has no obligation to install a burglar alarm or security system in a rental property. 

Installing a burglar alarm can be more trouble than it is worth for landlords, as they will need to pay for it and its maintenance and will be liable if it fails to work at any point. However, any disadvantages should be considered alongside the benefits for landlords (and tenants) to installing a burglar alarm. 

These are: 

  • Prospective tenants, especially those who are security-conscious, will be pleased to know that a security alarm is installed on the premises. Not only will they feel safer living in the property, but it conveys the impression that the landlord is also security-conscious and keen to make the tenant feel safe.

  • The sight of a burglar alarm on the exterior of a property acts as a deterrent to opportunist burglars and vandals.

  • If the burglar alarm is activated due to a break-in, this will likely cause the burglar to scarper, while a quick response to the sounding of the alarm may minimise the risk of damage to the property and items of personal value being stolen.

If you do decide to install a burglar alarm system in a rental property, you'll soon discover there are a range of options to choose from. 

Choosing the right burglar alarm 

A traditional alarm system may prove more complicated to install, especially if the tenant is already living in the property. A wireless alarm system can work well, as its installation will involve minimal disruption for tenants. A wireless alarm system will be easy to maintain for the landlord and be less intrusive for the tenant. 

What other security options do landlords have? 

If you don't want to install a burglar alarm for whatever reason, there are other security options available to you which will help tenants to feel safe. These include installing security lights at the property, installing a CCTV system, calling a locksmith to advise you on how you can make security improvements, and brief your tenants on how to keep the property safe. 

home security

Security generally is a keen concern for landlords – and tenants. If you have a rental property in South London or North Surrey, Jo & Co Property Management are on hand to advise you on what your property needs to secure great - and happy tenants!

Contact us if you would like to know more about our lettings and property management services.

Joanne James